Complete Courses Lineup

[new] Short-Course Series

1. Crash Course Trading: Technical Analysis and Options Trading
2. Trading Made Simple: Find Stocks to Trade in 5 Easy Steps
... (More to come. Stay tune!)

Technical Analysis

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Level 1
1. Trading for Profit: Guide to Candlestick & Technical Trading
2. Technical Analysis 101: Master the Basics of Trading
3a. Trade for Profit: Introduction to Stock Market Trading and Investing
3b. Trade for Profit: Introduction to Stock Market Trading and Investing (CHINESE)
3c. Trade for Profit: Introduction to Stock Market Trading and Investing (ARABIC)
4. Trading for Profit: 10 Primary Candlestick Trading Patterns
5. Learn to Trade for Profit: Ten Most Profitable Trading Rules
6. Practice Assignment: Technical Analysis for Stock Trading

Level 2
1. Technical Analysis 102: Secrets of Trading Revealed
2. [private course] Learn to Trade the Stock Market without Blowing Your Profits
Trading Made Simple: Find Stocks to Trade in 5 Easy Steps
5. [private course] Live Trading: Watch Me Trade for Profit in Real Time
5. [private course] Technical Analysis 103: How to Profit During Market Crashes
6. ETF Trading: How to Invest Safely and Profitably with Exchange-Traded Funds

Level 3
1. Day Trading 101: How To Day Trade Stocks for Passive Income 
2. Day Trading 102: How To Find Winning Stocks to Day Trade  
3. Day Trading 103: Manage Day Trades Profitably

Options Trading

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Level 1 
1. Option Trading for Rookies: Understand Options Completely
2. Option Trading for Rookies: Basic Option Strategies
3. Option Trading for Rookies: Make and Manage Profitable Trades

Level 2 
4. Options Trading for Rookies: Complete Guide to Stock Options
5. Option Trading for Rookies: Iron Condor Variations
6. [private course] Option Trading for Rookies: The Covered Call Option Strategy
7. [private course] Options Trading for Rookies: Day Trading Earnings Profitably

Level 3  
8. [private course] Option Trading for Rookies: Selling Naked Options for Income
9. [private course] Options Trading for Rookies: Strangles and Straddles
10. [private course] Options Trading for Rookies: Turning Losing Trades Into Winners

Crypto Trading

Crypto Trading 101: How To Trade Cryptocurrencies for Profit